Friday 1 February 2013


The air rushed passed my skin to my hair as I was running around the field at my school throwing my graduation hat in the air with my best friend, Jane, oblivious by the graduating students, teachers and parents around us. The alumni were celebrating the last moments of senior year before proceeding to own ambitions. The atmosphere was lively but I could feel that everyone was unprepared for the future. Jane and I had been planning to precede our studies at Singapore polytechnic since we were 10 years old, the reason we became best friends.

With a blink of an eye, Jane and I had been studying in polytechnic for almost a week. We applied the same courses and made a few new friends. Everything went smoothly until Jane was absent for 4 days persistently. She had been ignoring my calls for the past few days. The thought of her disappearance made me uneasy.  I called her home number but nobody answered, that proved that nobody was home.

7 days had passed but still no sign of Jane. As I was entering my class, I was startled as I saw Jane but what confused me was that she was not the same Jane I was staring at. Jane, who used to love braiding her hair, was now revealing her long straight hair and I could barely see her face. She used to wear bright and attractive clothes but then, she was wearing dull and hideous clothes. Jane was a bright and confident looking girl but she looks really insecure, feeling intimidated with everything. I greeted her by tapping on the back and mumbled her name in questioned, “Jane?” She turned around and stared at me blankly. Her face was pale and her lips were dry. It took her a minute before she responded. I began questioning about her disappearance, told her I was worried and started throw a bunch of silly questions. “I WAS NOT FEELING WELL!! NOW SHUT UP!” She shouted at me with anger that her face turned red. I could feel my cheeks blushing brightly by the embarrassment. What had happened to Jane?

Ever since she disappeared, Jane’s attitude became worsened when she came back. She often sleeps in class and would stomped her foot when reprimanded by teachers. She was disrespectful towards them. Furthermore, she demands everyone to do homework for her and would tantrum when someone disobeyed her. She started to use vulgarities and insult anyone around her. I caught her smoking in the alley and approached her but my advice was just an annoying lecture to her. Her disciplinary actions almost expelled her but they decided to put her for counseling.  Jane was not the same Jane I had known for the past 7 years but an inconsiderate, selfish, intolerant and self-centered person. 

Jane was the most hated person in polytechnic. Everyone had been talking bad things about her behind her back. As much as I disagree with Jane’s attitude, I never hated her yet treated her as my best friend. The least she could do was to appreciate everyone’s concerned to her. I made a decision to make Jane realise about her attitude and the truth about what everyone had said behind her back no matter what the consequences were. She might throw a chair at me or strangle me but if this was for the best, nothing can stop me.

The last lesson has ended. Everyone began to rush out but me. I approached Jane courteously and said, “Jane, I need to confess to you about something.” She gave me a death glare, “Make it quick.”  It was then when I realised that Jane had a soft side, she was being gentle to me. I began to spit the words out of my mouth, telling her about her attitude since she came back from her disappearance. I told her about everyone’s opinion to her. It was almost a lecture until Jane could not stand it and snapped at me, “I was hospitalised!!” There was a moment of silence. “What happened?” I asked curiously. She started to cry hysterically and covered her face with embarrasement, “I am having brain cancer.” I was speechless as tears began to roll down my cheeks. That must be the reason why she had been acting unusual. I hugged her tightly and she started to apologise for everything. 

I guess that every action happen with a reason. Have the courage to help and understand a trouble friend by every ways no matter what the consequences are because you are doing it for the better.